Thanks guys for visiting this is a temporary site, its up for now, until I can put up a more comprehensive site that will have more details on how to apply for, or to help out. In the meantime, i'm hoping to tell the story of why i thought this foundation would be a great idea, it is something that I have been hoping to put together now for the last 5 or 6 years, after i was the recipient of a grant that really pushed me to be a better artist as well as giving me the breathing room i needed to be foster that growth. Why music? Well, luckily during my life there has been a lot of pairing of the two, visual art and music. One of my best friends growing up is an incredible guitar player and we would always talk about the intersections and diversions of the two. And I have seen first hand how hard it is to have the same sort of breathing room that a visual artist needs to survive and grow within close friends of mine that are musicians. Plus I feel that both disciplines really can inspire each other, and really see the world with the same sort of unique vision and thoughtfulness.